Friday, May 14, 2010


All about chemistry related fields. Organic chemistry mechanism, chemistry masses, chemistry atoms, chemistry answers etc.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chemistry Formulas: Acid formulas.

Nitrous Acid -                  HNO2
Hypochlorous Acid -        HClO
Chlorous Acid -               HClO2
Chloric Acid -                 HClO3
Sulfuric Acid -                 H2SO4
Sulfurous Acid -              H2SO3
Phosphoric Acid -           H3PO4
Phosphorous Acid -        H3PO3
Carbonic Acid -             H2CO3
Acetic Acid -               HC2H3O2
Oxalic Acid -                H2C2O4
Boric Acid -                 H3BO3
Silicic Acid -                H2SiO3
Nitric Acid -                HNO3
Perchloric Acid -         HClO4

Chemistry Answers: Mcq's of Acid, Basis and Salts:

Which of the following reacts with HCl to give Hydrogen?
C-potassium manganate(VII)
E-sodium hydroxide

The correct answer is iron (B)

Metals which are more active than hydrogen can displace it from acids.

Chemistry atoms: Basic Ideas.

1-All matter is made up of very small, discrete particles called atoms.
2-All atoms of an electron are alike in weight and different from the weight of any other kind of atom.
3-Atoms unite in chemical changes to form compounds.The atom loss its characteristic properties when this combination occurs.
4-The atom is not entirely altered in the formation of a compound, and its weight remains constant.

Chemistry Mass: Molar Mass and Moles:

When the formula weight of an ionic compound is determined by the addition of its component relative atomic masses and expressed in grams, it is called the gram formula weight or Molar Mass. For example CaCO3.

1Ca = 40
1C = 12
3O = 48 = (3*16)

 CaCO3 = 100 formula weight
100g = Molar Mass

Organic Chemistry Mechanism: Elbs reaction:

In this method poly nuclear hydrocarbons are produced from a diaryl ketone containing a methyl group in the ortho position to the keto group. The reaction is usually carried out by heating the ketone under reflux at 400-450 0C until water is no longer evolved, e.g: o-methyl benzophenone forms anthracene.

MCQ'S: Acids, Bases and Salts:

The compound SO2Cl2 reacts with water according to the following reaction.

SO2Cl2 + 2H2O  ---------->  H2SO4 + 2HCl

How many moles of  NaOH will neutralise the solution produced by one mole of  SO2Cl2 and excess of water.

The correct answer is (D)


Two moles of NaOH will neutralize one mole of H2SO4 and two moles of NaOH are required for two moles of HCl.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MCQ'S: Acids, Bases and Salts.

One mole of each of the following compound was dissolved in water to make 1dm3 of solution.which of the solution would have lowest PH?

B-ethanoic acid
C-sodium hydroxide
D-sulphuric acid


The answer is E (suphuric acid)


The solution with lowest PH must be of a strong acid(H2SO4)


Saturday, May 8, 2010

MCQS: Which statement about graphite is correct?

A- It conducts electricity because graphite has ions which are free to move.
B- It has an ionic lattice.
C- It has the same structure as diamond.
D- Its structure contains rings of carbon atoms.

D- is correct statement due to the reason, In graphite, each layer contains hexagonal ring of carbon atoms with each atom covalently bonded to 3 other atoms.

Friday, May 7, 2010

How to make standard solutions for Chemistry:

There are  two common types of "standard solutions".
1- Molar Solutions
 2-Normal Solutions
 Both of these solutions are concentrations (or “strengths”) of a particular component
(solute) that is dissolved in a solvent.
Making a Molar solution usually involves fewer mental steps than does making a Normal